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Is getting vitamin D from sunshine better for my health than a vitamin D capsule?
If I drink alcohol in moderation, do I have a lower risk of heart disease and death?
Does eating dark chocolate help reduce my high blood pressure and heart related death?
If I am a man over age 40, should I have a screening testosterone level checked?
Does adding niacin (vitamin B3) to a cholesterol medication lower my risk of dying from a heart attack?
Does eating a plant based diet reduce my risk of heart disease and early death?
Does taking Ashwagandha help reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety?
Do yoga exercises help with my anxiety and depression and to feel happier?
Does sublingual immunotherapy (drops under the tongue) work just as well as subcutaneous immunotherapy (allergy shots) for treating my chronic allergic conjunctivitis (eyes)?
Does sublingual immunotherapy (drops under the tongue) work just as well as subcutaneous immunotherapy (allergy shots) for treating my chronic allergic rhinitis?
Can taking vitamins help slow down my hair loss?
When screening for colon cancer, if I have no symptoms, can I undergo a FIT (fecal immunochemical test) instead of a colonoscopy?
Does taking collagen peptides help heal wounds and ulcers faster than placebo?
Does taking collagen peptides help reduce healing time if I have a pressure ulcer?
If I am over age 75 and have high cholesterol, does taking a statin medication (e.g. atorvastatin, simvastatin) decrease my chance of dying?
Does stretching before exercise help reduce muscle pain and injury after exercising?
Does performing muscle stretching before I exercise reduce my chance of having a joint injury?
If I’m an athlete, does taking creatine help me improve my athletic performance?
If I have anxiety, can taking CBD oil help reduce it?
Does Penlac (ciclopirox) work better than Jublia (efinaconazole) in clearing my toenail fungus?
If I have toenail fungus, do topical medications like Jublia (efinaconazole) work as well as a pill?
Do I need an ultrasound confirmation if I have obvious signs of an inguinal hernia?
Do I need an ultrasound confirmation if I have obvious signs of an inguinal hernia?
Should I take aspirin with Plavix (clopidogrel) if I have already had a stroke or TIA in the past?
Does Shingrix vaccine work better than Zostavax vaccine for preventing shingles?
Does my risk of dying go down by the number of steps I take per day?
Does evidence exist for Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) for treating insomnia?
If I have depression and anxiety not adequately controlled by medications, does Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) help with symptoms of depression and anxiety more than a placebo?
Does the good effects of eating more fruits and vegetables offset the bad effects of eating a lot of meat?
Do antidepressants help relieve my symptoms of tinnitus (ringing in the ears) more than a placebo pill?
If I have atrial fibrillation, do new oral anticoagulants (Xarelto, Pradaxa, Eliquis, Lixiana) reduce strokes but cause more stomach bleeding than warfarin?
Does Xarelto (rivaroxaban) reduce blood clots in my legs or lungs better than warfarin?
Does Pradaxa (dabigatran) reduce blood clots in my legs or lungs better than warfarin?
Does Eliquis (Apixaban), or Pradaxa (Dabigatran) reduce risk of stroke more than warfarin if I have already stroke in the past?
Does Eliquis (Apixaban) prevent blood clots in my legs or lungs better than warfarin?
Does phentermine cause me to have more weight loss than Saxenda (liraglutide)?
Does phentermine cause me to have more weight loss than Contrave (bupropion/naltrexone)
Does phentermine cause me to have more weight loss than Belviq (lorcaserin)?
Does phentermine/topiramate combination cause me to have more weight loss than Xenical or Alli (orlistat)?
Does Humira (Adalimumab) work better than the traditional combination of methotrexate, Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine), and sulfasalazine for my rheumatoid arthritis symptoms?
Does Enbrel (Etanercept) work better than the traditional combination of methotrexate, Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine), and sulfasalazine for my rheumatoid arthritis symptoms?
Does Remicade (Infliximab) work better than the traditional combination of methotrexate, Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) and sulfasalazine for rheumatoid arthritis symptoms?
Does taking narcotics to treat my pain increase my risk of dying or being hospitalized more than taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS)?
If I have been diagnosed with low risk prostate cancer, is simple surveillance an appropriate option for me without surgery?
Should I take testosterone injections if my testosterone levels are within normal limits?
Should I check my blood sugars daily if I have diabetes but don’t take insulin to treat it?
Should I check a free PSA test if my screening PSA test is elevated, instead of a prostate biopsy?
Should I get a prostate biopsy if my PSA test score is mildly elevated (between 4-10 ng/mL)?
If I have diabetes, but don’t take insulin, do I need to check my blood sugars daily?
Do I lose more weight on a low carbohydrate diet than a low fat diet?
Is drinking diet soda harmful to my health?
Does drinking diet soda help me lose weight or keep weight off?
Do I need to check my blood sugars with a home blood sugar monitor daily if I have diabetes but don’t take insulin?
Do Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections or liquid help me lose weight over taking a placebo?
Does an NSAID like Naproxen (aleve) or Ibuprofen relieve pain as well as codeine, oxycodone, or hydrocodone for sudden onset (acute) back pain?
Do I have a higher chance of getting an inappropriately prescribed antibiotic in an urgent care than in a doctor’s office?
Should I get surgery to remove my gallbladder with stones in it if I don’t have any symptoms of pain, bloating, and nausea after eating?
Can I lose more weight with changing how I eat over increasing my exercise level?
Does eating nuts (sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews, peanuts, etc) decrease my chance of dying from heart disease and cancer?
Does SAM-E help reduce some of my symptoms of depression?
Does taking Coenzyme Q10 help prevent my migraine headaches?
Does taking Coenzyme Q10 help me live longer and healthier if I have congestive heart failure?
Does Coenzyme Q10 help reduce fatigue from fibromyalgia?
Is there evidence that turmeric/curcumin help prevent or manage active dementia symptoms?
Does turmeric/curcumin help reduce memory loss and mental deterioration in middle age and older adults?
Does turmeric/curcumin help relieve pain from arthritis?
Does taking vitamin D supplements help reduce chronic pain over placebo?
Is there any evidence that any of the over the counter herbal supplements like lipoflavinoids reduce my tinnitus (ear-ringing) problems more than a placebo pill?
Does taking zinc help decrease my tinnitus (ringing in the ears) symptoms more than a placebo pill?
Does ginkgo biloba help decrease my tinnitus (ringing in the ear) symptoms more than a placebo pill?
Does taking Horse Chestnut and Citrus bioflavonoids (Hesperidin) and Pycnogenol (Maritime Pine Bark) help improve decrease unsightly varicose veins in my legs?
Does taking Horse Chestnut and Citrus bioflavonoids (Hesperidin) and Pycnogenol (Maritime Pine Bark) help relieve pain and irritation from chronic venous stasis sores in my legs?
Does taking citrus bioflavonoids standardized extract help relieve pain and irritation from hemorrhoids?
Does taking a standardized preparation of horse chestnut resolve the pain and irritation from hemorrhoids?
If I am a healthy adult, will Human Growth Hormone (HGH) help improve memory and learning (cognition)
If I am a healthy adult, will Human Growth Hormone increase fat loss and increase lean muscle mass?
Should I get a blood test to check for prostate cancer (PSA) if I am between age 45-54 and have an increased risk for developing cancer (African-American, or one or more first degree relatives with history of prostate cancer under age 65)?v
Should I get a blood test to check for prostate cancer (PSA) if I am younger than age 55 and at average risk (caucasian, no family history of prostate cancer)?
Should I have a prostate exam with my yearly physical?
Should I have a blood test to check for prostate cancer (PSA) if I am age 70 or older?
Should I have a blood test to check for prostate cancer (PSA) if I am age 55-69?
Should I take baby (81mg) aspirin to prevent heart attack if I am between age 50-59, have high cholesterol, and/or high blood pressure?
Should I get a CT scan of my sinuses that my doctor ordered if have a recent sinus (pressure inside forehead and/or cheeks) infection?
Should I take an antibiotic if I have had moderate sinusitis symptoms (pressure in face) for less than 7 days?
Does taking fish oil supplements lower my risk for heart attack?
Does taking magnesium 500mg daily reduce the intensity and frequency of my migraine headaches?
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