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Does drinking 1-3 cups of coffee daily reduce my chance of getting cancer?
Does drinking 1-2 cups of coffee daily decrease heart disease and diabetes?
Should I get screening lab tests before having a low risk surgery?
Do physician online ratings correlate with health outcomes?
For my sports physical, do I need an EKG before participating in sports if I have no symptoms?
Will I get better care from a hospitalist than from my own primary care doctor if I have to be hospitalized?
Does taking vitamin D over 800 IU daily help prevent an osteoporosis fracture?
If I am over age 75 and have high cholesterol, does taking a statin medication (e.g. atorvastatin, simvastatin) decrease my chance of dying?
Does stretching before exercise help reduce muscle pain and injury after exercising?
Does performing muscle stretching before I exercise reduce my chance of having a joint injury?
Does Remdesivir work better than Ivermectin for reducing my chance of dying of COVID?
Does eating red meat (steak, hamburger) more than 1-2 times per week increase my risk of dying from a heart attack or cancer?
Does getting a vaccine reduce my chances of dying from COVID-19?
Does Medicare overspend on brand name medications over equivalent generic medications?
Is ivermectin safe when taken at regularly prescribed dosing for COVID treatment?
Does the FDA approved drug Remdesivir lead to better clinical outcomes compared to ivermectin for COVID?
Does taking ivermectin reduce clinical symptoms of COVID more than taking a placebo?
Does the antihelmithic medication Ivermectin reduce my chance of dying from COVID if I take it early in the course of illness?
If I’m aged 50-74 does a screening mammogram, reduce my chance of dying from breast cancer?
If I want to save money by ordering my medications online through a foreign pharmacy, should I go through Pharmacy Checker (
Do cholesterol lowering medications like Lipitor (atorvastatin) and Crestor (rosuvastatin) cause dementia?
Does taking Lipitor (atorvastatin) reduce my risk of sudden death over a placebo pill if I have a high risk of having a heart attack in the next ten years?
Do I lose more weight on a low carbohydrate diet than a low fat diet?
Does drinking diet soda help me lose weight or keep weight off?
Does an NSAID like Naproxen (aleve) or Ibuprofen relieve pain as well as codeine, oxycodone, or hydrocodone for sudden onset (acute) back pain?
Do I have a higher chance of getting an inappropriately prescribed antibiotic in an urgent care than in a doctor’s office?
Does “locking knees” cause me to pass out?
Does taking vitamin D supplements help reduce chronic pain over placebo?
If I am a healthy adult, will Human Growth Hormone increase fat loss and increase lean muscle mass?
Am I wasting my money by purchasing any Human Growth Hormone (HGH) product that is sold as either a pill or cream?
Does evidence exist for taking Human Growth Hormone (HGH) to reverse aging and live longer in healthy adults?
Do vaccines (such as MMR, Hepatitis, Tdap, Hib, Varicella) cause autism in my child?
Do I need to keep my child out of school if he/she has been treated for lice?
Should I get breast implant (augmentation) surgery?
Does magnesium reduce night time leg cramps in adults better than placebo?
Does taking fish oil supplements lower my risk for heart attack?
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