A concise, evidence-based medical tool that saves you money

I look up a question that a lot of people are asking and phrase it in a close ended question that can be answered either by YES or NO. Alternatively, you may submit questions and we’ll include them if they are deemed important to answer and to save all our other MedHeads some good money.

We look at all sides of available research surrounding the question, then apply our proprietary formula to find out how clinically useful this information is in the real world. We assign a confidence number, so you can see how confident we in our answer we are giving you.

I’m now tired of writing and will just show you how it works:

Click Here

First of all, we totally want to be up front and say that Every person and every organization on earth is biased in one way or the other. Great efforts are taken to minimize this bias, but in the end, we’re all biased. Blame our genetic makeup or our conditioning.

I will say that if you really want to find out about bias, you’ll need to look at the money. We of course, aren’t funded by anyone, just passion to drive down the cost of healthcare and the love from our fellow MedHeads.

Simply enter your email in this box and agree to the following.

    “I agree that the cost of good healthcare in this country is crazy out-of-control, and that we need real-world solutions provided by people who really just want to help people and not for secret financial gain. I agree that I want simple, accurate, and easy-to-understand medical information, and that MedHead can provide such information that will save me at least $1,000 per year on my medical costs, and with that extra $1,000, I’ll do something great with it, because life is too short to do something stupid with it. I agree that Dr. Hastings is only out for my best interest, otherwise he wouldn’t be driving a minivan to work and has no life so I can save all this money”.

    Become A MedHead Today!