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If I have mild bone loss (osteopenia) diagnosed on a bone density (DXA) scan, should I have another DXA scan a year later?


MedHead Confidence Score: 8
Amount Saved: $125 bone density DXA cost post


MedHead Message:

If your doctor says you need a yearly DXA scan and you have osteopenia, just tell him/her “no thanks” then show them this data. Wait at least 2 years for a follow-up and probably more. There is no evidence to show anywhere that a yearly DXA scan reduces osteoporotic fractures. It’s time to take out-of-control of spiraling healthcare costs, let start one DXA scan at a time!


1. https://www.aafp.org/afp/recommendations/viewRecommendation.htm?recommendationId=66

2. http://www.choosingwisely.org/patient-resources/bone-density-tests/


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