If I have been diagnosed with breast cancer, would starting a low saturated fat diet reduce my chance of dying from the breast cancer?
MedHead Confidence Score: 4
Amount Saved: $23,078 breast cancer surgery and $2,207 for continuing treatment
MedHead Message:
This small meta-analysis shows that adopting a low saturated fat diet after breast cancer diagnosis reduces the chance of dying by 17%. Specifically animal fats (beef, chicken, pork, processed meats) would be the culprit here.
1. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014;15(3):1141-4.
Effect of low-fat diet on breast cancer survival: a meta-analysis.
2.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2017 Jul 3;57(10):1999-2008. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2012.724481.
Dietary fat and breast cancer mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis.