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Do I need a stress test before surgery if I don’t have a history of heart disease and I have a low risk surgery?


MedHead Confidence Score: 8
Amount Saved: $3,800 cost of stress test post


MedHead Message:

Stress tests are unecessary if you are having a low risk surgery, even in those people with a history of underlying stable heart disease. If your doctor wants to do a pre-operative stress test, show them this little bit of information from the Society for Vascular Medicine, courtesy of MedHead. You may still need one if the surgery is high risk.


1. http://www.choosingwisely.org/clinician-lists/society-vascular-medicine-cardiovascular-testing-prior-to-low-risk-surgery/ 2.http://www.choosingwisely.org/clinician-lists/american-society-anesthesiologists-preop-baseline-diagnostic-cardiac-testing/

3. http://health.costhelper.com/stress-tests.html


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